Saavat delves into the intertwined lives of Shankar, Paro, Bhatkar, and Maya. Shankar and Paro, devoted parents, struggle to secure Priya's education amidst financial woes. Bhatkar, the troubled landlord, grapples with his own insecurities, while Maya, his wife, endures the strain of their fractured relationship.The film explores themes of sacrifice, desperation, and the moral dilemmas faced in the pursuit of dreams.
Duration: 31:50 mins
Short fiction
language: Konkani (English subtitles)
Bend - A Psychological Thriller where our protagonist "Al" suffers from a derealisation disorder where he zones in and out of reality trying to fill the gap and make sense of his life. He is trying to find the killer who killed his brother, for that he needs his head in the right direction. He goes to his psychiatrist and from then things doesn't go as he expects...
Duration: 21:43 mins
Psychological Thriller 2022 (Short fiction)
Language: English
Churgalele Hasu
Duration: 7 mins
(50 Hours Filmmaking challenge 2020)
Language: Marathi (English subtitles)
How would you feel when you'll get to know that you are Almost Famous to the World but unaware of the fact? Everyone of us surely wish to get famous one day and live with a pride...
Non fiction
for Photography Promotion Trust (2022)
Language: Odia (English subtitles)
Grassroot Storytellers
Personal Vlog (2019)
Duration: 7 mins
Language: English